With Thanksgiving this week and family all gathered around, it is the perfect time to plan your Christmas cards! No, we’re not skipping Thanksgiving — we hope you have a blessed holiday and that you have much to give thanks for this year. However, we also know that you’ll be thanking yourself later for planning ahead and taking this opportunity to do some Christmas prep!
Take that Perfect Family Photo
It’s so hard to get the family all together these days so capitalize on this beautiful holiday! It just takes 5 minutes to get a good photo. By planning, you’ll save yourself those hours of searching through photos from the past year just to realize you haven’t taken one with everyone since last year’s Christmas card.
Send out a text. No seriously, do it now before you forget, asking everyone to dress nicely. If you can choose a color scheme that will work for everyone, all the better. It’s not necessary that you match, just coordinate a little and your photo will look infinitely more put together.

Update your Christmas Card List and Addresses
Many people move throughout the course of a year, so your address book may be a little out of date. While everyone is in the same spot, take a few minutes to go around collecting new addresses. It’ll save you a lot of headaches and returned cards.
Take note of anyone at Thanksgiving that you may have accidentally left off of your list!
Also if you’re writing a message or 2019 recap for your card, pay attention to what updates your guests ask about from your year. Let them be your inspiration for what people are interested in about your family — perhaps how your travels went or the play your daughter was in. Sometimes with the whirlwind of life, we forget about even the biggest events from our own year.
These steps to plan your Christmas Cards will take 10 minutes, 15 tops during your family Thanksgiving, but will save you a lot of time later on when you’re trying to get those Christmas Cards out!
With that, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with loved ones, joy, and delicious food!